Advisors accelerating change towards a sustainable business model



The Better Business Scan offers a quick approach to map the sustainability position of the organization you consult. Comparing the results of the organization to your outsider-assessment also offers interesting insights for further discussion.


Discuss transition trajectory

The next step is to discuss the transition trajectory the organization will embark on. The report provides insights in potential barriers. It is important to anticipate these barriers to prevent ‘getting stuck’.



As a consultant you can add unique additional value by guiding your client through the transition trajectory. Extending the scan with additional methods provides you with a rich toolbox to accelerate change within the organization.

As an advisor or consultant, you can benefit from the extensive analytical framework that the Better Business Scan offers. The scan can be the starting point for a more in-depth advisory trajectory in which you guide your client towards a more sustainable business model. In this process, you could also compare the results between your assessment and your client’s. We also work with a number of consultants to offer additional services.

Start the Better Business Scan

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